A Brief Statement

The majority of my work in the realm of video will focus on memory, dreams, perceptions, and time.

I want to explore what happens when reality is inconsistent, when people speak without talking, and when the waking world is invaded by the unconscious mind.


~Dustin Potter

22 September, 2008

Video Journal #1 -::- "Persistence of Memory"


maryann said...

I really liked the angle you shot it at. Maybe showing a couple more would also be interesting. Also I didn't really understand why the camera kept stopping at that one person I think it either should have been more explained or you should have kept the camera moving.

Anonymous said...

i liked how u kept going around the room while she was telling the story it kept me interested..but when u stopped at that one person it went kinda slow..and i dont really inderstand why you did that. i like the effect u used though.

jacqueline quebec said...

Good use of the angle, i thought it was a little long. Maybe if you put a couple more different shots in, it wouldn't feel so long. The story went well with the shot.

phil sadewicz said...

I like how the video's you've done so far in class have an element mystery, for lack of a better term. they leave you with questions, especially in this one. nice angles, i like how everyone except the only girl talking is above eye level from the camera. the panning could be smoother.

Madison said...

Good job, Dustinator. I liked the panning action that was going on. Very "That 70's Show"-esque. I'm not exactly sure what effect you used though. Maybe it was just really subtle and I missed it? I especially liked how you started filming mid story and not from the beginning so it makes you wonder what the first half was about and how they all got to be sitting in that room together. Neato burrito.

Ted Cadieux said...

I like the constant pan alot, also your "actors" did a great job of not being aware of the camera.

ridgerat89 said...

i like how its your prospective and not like and outsider looking in.

Austin Luther said...

I really liked it, the camera wasn't jerky any bit whatsoever. It was a little long however but not by much. The story was very interesting though...

suzukaze said...

i liked how you made the camera circle around so you see everyone in the room. Also great choice in filming one of laura's stories

Favorite Films

  • "The Fountain" by Darren Aronofsky
  • "Memento" by Christopher Nolan
  • "Brick" by Rian Johnson
  • "28 Days Later" by Danny Boyle
  • "Eternal Sunshine of The Spotless Mind" by Michel Gondry