A Brief Statement

The majority of my work in the realm of video will focus on memory, dreams, perceptions, and time.

I want to explore what happens when reality is inconsistent, when people speak without talking, and when the waking world is invaded by the unconscious mind.


~Dustin Potter

28 September, 2008

Video Journal #2 -::- "Lapine"


Madison said...


suzukaze said...

i thought it was great. i really liked how you incorporated the music with the theme of the film. The film had a mysterious touch to it which was interesting. Great job.

Madison said...

Dustin, I take it back. This is the worst movie I've ever seen.

P.S. I love omlettes too

ridgerat89 said...

i really liked it.. it felt very dreamy and surreal.

Anonymous said...

I loved this video. I liked the music and the editing was awesome. great job

jacqueline quebec said...

That was excellent. Really liked the angles you used and the effects you chose. Very good actress, she got right into it and made it look perfect.

maryann said...

I thought that was awesome. You had great frames and angles, and the music added a great touch.

Austin Luther said...

i really liked this film, good song, interesting plot. Your definately going for a dream like theme to all your vids. keep it up

phil sadewicz said...

Great video. the only thing i have a problem with, is the match shot of her coming through the door - Two totally different doors. The ending worked really well with the video. awesome. also that mysterious element i commented on in your last two videos, is there again. You're creating a bit of a style for yourself.

Dustin Potter said...

The match shot of the two doors was intentional. It's not quite what I originally envisioned, but I made due. I wanted to convey a sense that what you see as the waking world (when she is in the tanktop), isn't all the real. So the door shot acts as a waking dream, like when you enter a door to a closet and end up in an open field. Thanks for making mention of it!

Favorite Films

  • "The Fountain" by Darren Aronofsky
  • "Memento" by Christopher Nolan
  • "Brick" by Rian Johnson
  • "28 Days Later" by Danny Boyle
  • "Eternal Sunshine of The Spotless Mind" by Michel Gondry