A Brief Statement

The majority of my work in the realm of video will focus on memory, dreams, perceptions, and time.

I want to explore what happens when reality is inconsistent, when people speak without talking, and when the waking world is invaded by the unconscious mind.


~Dustin Potter

15 October, 2008

Video Journal #4 -::- "Fragments"

Note: This video is meant to be viewed in a continuous loop as part of an installation.


maryann said...

I think you had some really great angles especially at the beginning. I liked the way it started but the rest of it was too scattered. I understand the title ties it together but I did not think it was too visually appealing. i really had no idea what was going on or what you where trying to convey.

Madison said...

Good choice in music, I think it went really well with the imagery. However, I agree with Mary Ann the beginning seemed very promising and then the rest just felt very random and scattered. I think if you were trying to show "fragments" of every day life you should have shown the girl getting out of bed and then those images would have fit better because it's like she's seeing them through out the day. Nice compositions though, and I loved the one shot of the penny. The film just didn't seem cohesive and like it had a point or theme behind it.

jacqueline quebec said...

The video was good. Great use of angles and sound. i really don't see what your getting at. Leave it based on one thing.

Anonymous said...

The video was good. i liked the music and you had good angles. the editing was really good. I think some of the the video was a little random though.

Austin Luther said...

I liked the video but it was very strange and I didn't understand what exactly was going on. What were you trying to tell me? Interesting video nonetheless

Favorite Films

  • "The Fountain" by Darren Aronofsky
  • "Memento" by Christopher Nolan
  • "Brick" by Rian Johnson
  • "28 Days Later" by Danny Boyle
  • "Eternal Sunshine of The Spotless Mind" by Michel Gondry