A Brief Statement

The majority of my work in the realm of video will focus on memory, dreams, perceptions, and time.

I want to explore what happens when reality is inconsistent, when people speak without talking, and when the waking world is invaded by the unconscious mind.


~Dustin Potter

03 November, 2008

Video Journal #7 -::- "The Candy Trail"


Madison said...

super creepy. the music went very well with it. nice compositions and good story line. only thing that bothered me was the editing. there were a couple spots that didn't match up. like where the bench was, it's just a tiny bit off from scene to scene.

ridgerat89 said...

i thaught at the begining that it was going to be something happy but it turnded out to be kinda creepy. the music really hepled with this effect.

Favorite Films

  • "The Fountain" by Darren Aronofsky
  • "Memento" by Christopher Nolan
  • "Brick" by Rian Johnson
  • "28 Days Later" by Danny Boyle
  • "Eternal Sunshine of The Spotless Mind" by Michel Gondry